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Prince Lalibela, the name & the place
2. History:
Jerusalem and the Templars
Queen of Sheba
Moses an important
person in History
5. The 11 rock
hewn Churches
6. The
connection with Chartres Cathedral
in France
connection with
Parzival, an opera or a cryptogram?
Books and Links;
the source of this chapter
* Click
on any item above or any picture to go to
the relevant Chapter
A hand made silver cross with a meaningful
design typical for Lalibela
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Chapter 1
Prince Lalibela, the name & place
this chapter you can read about Lalibela, the place and the people with
a complete reference. Please see at the end of this chapter a list of
books and sources we used to obtain all our information.
you are about to read here is about Lalibela, a place originally called
'Kingdom of Roha' which was the base of the Zagwe dynasty between 1125
and 1415 AD. The name Lalibela was given later on to honor the King who make it famous! The
king was named so by his mother as she show her baby in the cradle
encircled by a swarm of bees without harming him... In the old days
there was a believe that any one approached but not harmed by wild
animals or insects for that matter, would be later in his life great!
Prince Lalibela was brought up in a respectful
and religious manner raising jealousness from his brother who wanted the
throne for himself... Lalibela's brother prince Herbay tried to poison
him and Lalibela's friends convinced him to travel away for a while...
Prince Lalibela was deeply religious and started a
monastic life. Around the year 1187
he travel to Jerusalem. It was the time
of the 2d crusade and some French
monks, later called 'the knights of the holy temple of Jerusalem', in short Templars
were protecting Jerusalem. They were fighting monks protecting all
Holy places and
builder/architects at the same time! They have build the Dome as it
survives until today and many other historical buildings. Theoderic,
German monk visiting Jerusalem just before it fall under Salahedin
army, commended ' The Templars skills are superb, they have rebuild
most historical buildings with perfection!'
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2. History: Jerusalem
and the Templars
Well documented sources tell us that beyond the
protection the Templars offered to travelers and visitors to the Holly
Temple, they were looking for certain artifacts: the famous holy Grail
and the Ark of the covenant! They excavated year after year underneath
and around the Holy Temple but they have
only found valuable scrolls! Showing their finds in France they have got
recognition and financial support and at the same time new recruits! When Lalibela met the Templars
they talked about life in Ethiopia and among other things prince
Lalibela told them that during certain religious festivities they parade
the original Ark of the covenant... (Please see the separate chapter
about the Ark of the covenant) We don't know exactly how but most
probably the Templars traveled to Ethiopia and restored Lalibela as King deposing his
brother Herbay! There is no proof of what exactly happened but a long letter survived until today in the Vatican
library that apparently Herbay (Lalibela's brother) with the pseudonym "Prester John" send to Pope Clement
complaining about his brother and the 'treacherous French monks!' Most
probably his spies did inform him about the possible forthcoming
visit to Ethiopia... Another indication of Lalibelas presence in
Jerusalem is that today we can still see the chapel where the
Ethiopian Orthodox priests were based! History tell us that when Salahedin invaded
and captured Jerusalem with an ingenious trick, the Ethiopians requested to stay! Salahedin respected their
plea and granted them the right to stay and take care of the Holy place...
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3. Queen of
story of Queen of Sheba and King Solomon is told in the Bible and has
for sure brought a lot of controversy. Reading the story told in
the bible chapter Kings 10.6-13
Reading in the Old Testament Kings 10.6
...and the Queen of Sheba said to king Solomon "I have heard a report
about your accomplishments and your wisdom ..." "but now I
have met you and see with my own eyes, I believe that is true and the
wisdom and prosperity far surpass my expectations! The passage in the
Bible continuous "king Solomon gave Queen Sheba all what she
desired..." The Kebra Negast, an old Ethiopian book suggests here that
King Solomon fulfill her wish to have a sun with her...
Anyway in
this chapter we find plenty details and one can only think that
the visit of Queen of Sheba to meet King
Solomon surely took place!
Ethiopia is
claiming homage of the Queen of Sheba and in its culture she is called Maqeeba.
Yemen also claims the same Queen and her name there was Bilquis! In Yemen
except the great dam in Mareb there is not any archeological site or a significant
palace to show evidence of
any Queen residence...
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From Old Testament:
Moses was a son of a Pharaoh and while he
was studying he was taught by
the high priests in the Ossiris temple hieroglyphics and secret sciences...
Moses was definitely a high priest or in ancient Egyptian language called
At some time in his life and according to
the Old Testament, Have a look at
Numbers 12-1
he was married to an Ethiopian! ...and Aaron with his wife Miriam
accused Moses "why you talk to us like this, has our Lord spoken through
you only? Your wife is a Cushite woman anyway... (at that time meant
Ethiopian) "
As we also know
Moses after he killed an officer from his father's guard he went
hiding for almost 40 years... Many scholars believe that he
find a comfortable refuge in Ethiopia! There was a known trade route
from Egypt through the ancient time 'Meroe' to lake Tana in Ethiopia
Moses had a tremendous knowledge to build the
of the covenant and only proves his
high technological skills which they were not understood until today! The Arc was not
just a religious
carrier of the stone tablets; it was a powerful tool to assist him in order
to control the Israelites! In many chapters of the Old Testament it averted many revolts as well as giving a
genuine encouragement to fight the enemies!
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Chapter 5
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The 11 rock hewn Churches in Lalibela
In Lalibela there are 11 rock hewn Churches
build with a proven finess and with an architect's expertise! Our guess is that when
the Templars arrived there and saw the Ark of the covenant they did respond to
king Lalibela's request to build these marvelous Churches!
and Bariviera, two Italian architects visiting Lalibela in 1936 and
mapped the whole area! Their observation was:
“After careful study we discover that the
Churches in a group are set on certain levels, in order to carry off
the heavy summer rains. All trenches serve as a walking path and a
drainage system! Churches whose placing conforms to the slope of the
terrain, then the ridge of the roof, the gutter edges and the base
of the plinth are slanted in line with it! Whoever experience the
'rainy season’ in the Ethiopian highlands will appreciate the
great skill shown by these early architects and builders to
arrange that a 100% drainage was established !”
Bianchi and Bariviera were the first
architects who studied the buildings and made professional drawings
of every group and every Church!
These Italian architects realized that the builders must have had
exceptional building skills
baring in mind that
all Churches were build within 10 years starting at Lalibela’s
return from exile around 1187!
I have visited
Lalibela myself four times and each time I was speechless looking at
these *monolithic structures!
All visitors asking
themselves how is it possible to maintain such an accuracy when none
of the buildings are formed by cement but instead people carved the
granite rocks inside out with such a perfection for years in
order to create such a beautiful and harmonious designs!
The ones of you
who are studying architecture will understand why the structure of
ST. George Church is in every 7 meters 30 cm smaller in diameter
while a decorative 'rim' disguise this difference making impossible
for our eyes to detect! Because of our eye habit, big and bulky
buildings look bigger as they are higher!
monolithic, is a Greek word and
refers to a sculpture made out of 'One Stone'! It is surprising to any visitor
that all Churces are carved inside out without any corrections!
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Chapter 6
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6. The connection with Chartres Cathedral in France Chartres Cathedral in France was build around the 12th century by very experienced architects and masons. It was the first Cathedral in Europe adopting the finest and new for that time ‘Gothic’ style! The north entrance is devoted to Old Testament themes and many statuettes are carved to give that impression! As you observe them from a distance, we can for sure say that they are not a mere decoration but there is a strong belief that the builders wanted somehow to tell future generations of a long forgotten story... They decided that if written, it could somehow be lost or distorted! In the north entrance, among Holy Mary and Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Samuel and king David are depicted among the statuettes. On the right we can clearly recognize Melchizedek the mysterious king - priest mentioned shortly in Genesis Chapter #14. In his left hand is holding a cup or otherwise known as a 'Grail' with a piece of bread inside which some believe to be a stone! For many religious scholars he is viewed as precursor of Jesus Christ! On the left we can clearly see an ox cart loaded with a box which reassembles the Ark of the Covenant as its dimensions fit the Biblical description! On the right side we can again recognize Queen of Sheba as a full statue with her negroid maid on her knees! As the cart is moving to the right, towards Queen of Sheba, we can easily understand that the builders wanted to tell future generations through these sculptures the story in the Ethiopian 'Kebra Negast'! The story goes that Menelic, Queen of Sheba and King Solomon son, took the Arc of the Covenant from Israel to Ethiopia! We understand, it is impossible that this story reached Europe at the 12th century! That means that the Chartres Cathedral builders had somehow good knowledge of it! Therefore its understood that only the Templars (the knights of Solomon Temple in Jerusalem) could be the ones knowing about it who were in Ethiopia at around that time and of course they also were the builders of Chartres Cathedral! |
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Chapter 7
The connection with Germany:
Parzival, an opera or a cryptogram?
'The Young Titurel'
was a play written from a
German writer around the 13th century whose name was Wolfgang von Eshenbach...
play was about a young singer (trobadour) and has a lot of information
embedded for searching of the Holy Grail and at the same time tells the
story of Queen of Sheba meeting King Solomon having an offspring, Menelik who took the Ark of the
Covenant to Ethiopia... The play in itself is a cryptogram about the
missing Arc of the Covenant...!
The original story was in an
old Ethiopian book called kebra Negast (tales of kings) and by no means could have come
to Europe without the involvement of the Templars who traveled from Jerusalem
to Ethiopia and back to Europe...
Later on Parzival was an opera written and composed by
the famous composer Wagner with almost the same theme...
I understand that when some Templars
start coming back to Europe the story somehow leaked to the young
writer Wolfgang von Eshenbach who was fascinated by it and
encouraged him to write this play!
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Chapter 8
8. Books & Links - The Old Testament, King James authorized Bible. It was first published in 1611 and for a long time it was 'the noblest English' literature being a good example among English speaking people and in public institutions! There were though many serious defects in it. In the middle of the 19th century it has been a development of the biblical studies and together with the discovery of many ancient manuscripts made it apparent to call for a revision. The Church of England took the task in 1870 and in 1881 a revised version was published! - The Old Testament, Jerusalem Bible. The original was written in Hebrew including most books written in ancient times, some from the famous prophets themselves! Nowadays copies in English are available. - 'Ethiopia and the Bible' by Dr. Edward Ulendorf - 'Archives from Elephantine' by Bezaleel Porter An archaeologist who describes all findings of the Jewish Temple there! - The 'Sign & the Seal' by Graham Hancock, detailed and accurate information as to how the Arc of the Covenant left Israel and end up in Ethiopia, together with suggestions of the whereabouts of that precious historic relic! - 'Antiquities of the Jews' written by Flavius Josephus, a Pharisee around 100 AD who lived in Jerusalem around the first century AD! - 'Legends of the Jews' by Louis Gunzberg - The book of 'History' by Herodotus, a book translated and published by David Green in university of Chicago, US - 'Book of the Arc of the Covenant' by Julian Morgenstern - 'The discovery of the source of river Nile' by James Bruce an explorer who wrote a book about Ethiopia and a detailed description of his exploration around the year 1765. - 'Hiram Key' by Chris Knight & Robert Lowman All about the Templars and how some secret scrolls buried under the Temple in Jerusalem found their way to the basement of ST. Rosalyn Chapel in Scotland! |
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